Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oklahoma and other

My hair has never looks so good... i thought i'd show everyone how shinny it is...

I was folding towels and Luigi decided to help me out... gotta love him for trying...

Me and Boogs sleeping... it was way to early to be up for the both of us...

Everyone knows if theres a couch around my dad will find it and fall asleep... what can i say thats what he's good at...

This is my uncle Danny cooking pancakes for breakfast, aunt Linda cousin Danny and me watching the master cook... gotta say they really are fun people..

My beautiful lil Gramma Rosie.. just gotta say that im really happy i got to get to know her this past year cause oh man is she funny...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Look at the B-E-A-U-tiful Sun set in my front yard!!! looked better in person...

Monday, November 19, 2007

intresting night!!!

so tonight was kinda interesting... i went to the movies with my friend caleb, we went to see that movie beowulf... Good movie it was kinda cool how they made it look real but it totally wasn't... ok to the weird part... we gave the girl our tickets like you normally do, sounds normal right?? no then she goes "would you like menu's??" he said yes and i gave him a strange look like "menu's?" so we walk into the theater where there are rows of seating, some normal movie seats and some with rollie chairs and they all had little tables... Talk about weird!!! so we looked at the menu decided what we wanted and then you push the lil red button and someone comes over and takes your order, you wait a lil bit and and here comes your food, so you sit there eat your dinner and watch a movie, i thought it was the weirdest but coolest thing ever... i just thought i'd share... love everyone and miss you guys a ton

Thursday, November 15, 2007


What a boy dog really looks like!!!

The Stupid Groomer...

Turned my dog into a stupid girl!! My dog is clearly a boy and he is NOT GAY!!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007



Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Corey my Picture beats your picture, and a reason the son loves the mom, he lets her do this...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

ok so i got bored and found cute pictures i thought id share... not trying to choose favorites i just have a ton of ainsley... and she makes the best faces... gotta love her!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

my family

My favorite cousins in the world more like brother and sisters... i miss you guys!!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Just for you :)

ok shaina, i made one for you... now we can COMUNICATE... j/k i love you and miss all of you!!!